Once Upon a Human Mindscape
A journey into the world of Curiosity, Intuition, Trust & Happiness

As a species, our race for survival is getting tougher with every breath. Earlier, nature was our chief adversary; today, unfortunately, it is our own kind. The attrition has already begun - in food stocks, energy, climate, economy and peace. It is imperative therefore, to understand the intelligence that has helped us evolve so far. Because unless we upgrade it to the next level, we are condemned to meet the fate of our Jurassic ancestors.

In this book, Dr. Sanjay Vaidya, a cardiologist and physician, explores human mind through the prism of neuroscience, evolution and computing. Mind-processes are closely studied to see how questions – the data-couriers of mind – are born. Abstract terms like logic, intuition, faith, belief and trust, suddenly come alive as the silent intelligence behind them is gradually uncovered. Our most common life-questions, from personal to work-related, are viewed while they are being processed by this intelligence. It soon becomes increasingly clear why tapping this intelligence is our best chance of finding that Eldorado of life viz., happiness.